Feb 24, 2009

Crowded Trains and Claire Oswalt

I'm on the train right now. Apparently, the train company is trying to cut operating costs which means less running trains which means me standing on the train instead of sleeping with my neck pillow! There's so much momentum with all the weight on the train on these mornings that I fall every time it brakes. It's a blast. Yesterday I drew the people on my train. It was pretty entertaining... If I feel snazzy later, I will scan and post. Ok... now for some serious art talk. blown away : 29"x24" : wood, twine, paper, graphite, and acrylic

pack of tightly-knit women : wood, graphite, paper, and acrylic

emma : 24"x20" : graphite, paper, acrylic on wood

I just remembered this artist I saw in LA. Claire Oswalt. She really touches me as a geuine person and artist (You know, I read about her so now I know her personally. Just like I know Britney spears and Brangelina so well.) Visually, her work is pure and clean and skilled, but she manages to give off this perfect eerie vibe. Many of her works comment on the mob mentality or cliquey(or copycat) nature of humans. Her drawn puppets with twine offer this conradictory idea of frozen time and extreme release. I love her. I looked at her work a lot last year. I would like to keep better track of her. Her observations in nature, older and newer work, are just breathtaking. When I'm rich I will buy something of hers. For now, I will blog about it :)

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