Mar 19, 2009

80's Trash / Expressionism Gone Wrong

With that said, I kind of like it. Often my drawings are so calculated. Sometimes I have fun and just GO CRAZY! I was shaking that computer mouse like you have never seen. You know - I love to go crazy on Microsoft Painter. HAHA.

The simple pleasures in my day. But seriously... I like it. It's FUNKY!

Tonight I am going to post something about an artist I like because lately I have been posting all this stuff about myself. I need to mix it up. I've been lacking "deep" art material.


barbi malibu said...

haha!! i think its so funny that your mom thinks its her :D!!
i´m a film student so imagine that my mom "sees" herself in almost every character i invent!! and maybe she is a little...haha :D

barbi malibu said...

no... i live in Buenos Aires, ... we are kinda far apart, :P
ive never been to california, im always going to boston cause ive got family living there

barbi malibu said...

the thing is im sure im gonna go, cause many of my friends are studying in UCLA and i really wanna go visit, plus its true! malibu haha :D
meanwhile, ill be mentally travelling with your posts and pictures of CA.