Ladies and gentlemen! Hello, how are you today? Great. Good.
If you haven't heard of it, it's called needle felting. I can't really compare it to anything else I have done before. I remember always seeing felting kits, but they were like $50 and I wasn't really interested in something when I could just stitch felt or wool myself. It wasn't until I browsed the Etsy site that I discovered how many cool things you can create from felting. You can use it for applique patterns or you can actually sculpt objects. If you want to try, recommend Clover supplies. It seems they are only available at craft superstores or really small stores - no in between. There are some really neat-o how to web videos. I have basically taught myself how to knit through YouTube how-to's... Thinking about crochet tomorrow. Might also look into flying to the moon. Don't get me started about space.
Tonight I am making a headband with felted flowers. Should be interesting. My style can be very whimsical and nutty. At the moment, I am trying to put together a "debut" collection for my Etsy shop. I thought about it a lot. At first, I just wanted to put stuff up to see if it sold. Then, I realized that was a reckless thing to do. If I am going to be successful, I need to learn to tone my spontaneous/impulsive side in some areas such as business planning. Instead, I am taking it slow. I have studied what sells on the Etsy site, I have made connections by messaging sellers and asking them to "favorite" me. CRAFTzine.com interviews some great artists in the Bay Area and all over the country. I have e-mailed a few. Cathy of California recommended Craft, Inc. It's awesome. If you want to start your own business or get organized as an artist to prepare for the professional world, I would highly recommend this book.
I know I need to wrap it up, but I was just reading my old journals from 6th grade. I realized that I always try to sound really cool in my journals... Do you do that? See what I mean...
(Changed the boy's name to Matt)
"Matt has been bugging me lately. Matt and I haven't been getting along so well. If he ever gives me the idea that he doesn't like me it makes me upset and I give him a cocky attitude which I'm sure can turn any boy off. Even though he is fine, nice, smart, funny, athletic, and strong, he can still bug me. I guess you could called me spoiled rotten. "
Pretty, deep for a 6th grader, huh? Sounds like someone had been listening to some adult phone conversations.
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