Feb 28, 2009

Feb 27, 2009
Rowena Dring: Machine Applique Genius

No.2 2006 stitched fabric over canvas 100x135cm

island 2005 stitched fabric over canvas 130 x 350 cm
Feb 24, 2009
Crowded Trains and Claire Oswalt

pack of tightly-knit women : wood, graphite, paper, and acrylic
emma : 24"x20" : graphite, paper, acrylic on wood
I just remembered this artist I saw in LA. Claire Oswalt. She really touches me as a geuine person and artist (You know, I read about her so now I know her personally. Just like I know Britney spears and Brangelina so well.) Visually, her work is pure and clean and skilled, but she manages to give off this perfect eerie vibe. Many of her works comment on the mob mentality or cliquey(or copycat) nature of humans. Her drawn puppets with twine offer this conradictory idea of frozen time and extreme release. I love her. I looked at her work a lot last year. I would like to keep better track of her. Her observations in nature, older and newer work, are just breathtaking. When I'm rich I will buy something of hers. For now, I will blog about it :)
Feb 23, 2009
An Illustrated Me

I got this book, An Illustrated Life: Drawing Inspiration from the Private Sketchbooks of Artists, Illustrators and Designers by Danny Gregory. I will posting about him very soon.
Feb 19, 2009
Irina Triotskaya

Late Morning

Feb 17, 2009
The Origin of KrissyKristina

Mini Soft Sculpture & Fluorescent Lights
While flipping through my latest edition of CRAFT Magazine, I came across a miniature knit (or “knitted,” your preference really) bicycle. Christina Oh, an artist located in Los Angeles, knit a bicycle and swing set with miniature knitting needles. "Oh," the dedication. I would last five minutes in her shoes during this project... maybe ten. I tend to use bigger needles than recommended because I love an instant reward. Some people are blessed with patience. This I admire.

stamp doodle by Christina Oh (digital illustration)
Back to me. Here is another reason I don’t like the rain: horrible lighting! I need lots of UV rays for my mood and for photography. One of the reasons I have not posted my latest work is because the lighting has been so drab, I just can’t bare it. Plus, my work place is lit with buzzing fluorescent lights.
I had a bad thought about someone last night and I hit my head really hard while getting out of my car. I’ve never hit my head there. KARMA.
Feb 13, 2009
Pink and Purple Spaces

Design by Kirsten Brant
This space was created by interior designer Kirsten Brant. She designs Showtime series sets. Pretty amazing space - monochromatic color schemes can be to ooverwhelming if done without skill and experience. I think it works because the eye can rest in the white focus points.
The past couple days I have been browsing design and fashion sites to stay in touch with the trends. I've never been an avid researcher. I never liked the way that other people's work came to mind when I was trying to think of my own ideas. That sounds ignorant, but I am a visual person and the images and ideas of other artists tend to get in the way of my own. Sort of stifling sometimes. Not that I don't love seeing other art!
I think that my style is more established at this point. Lately, I have become very interested in others' ideas. It is important for me to know what is in demand. I went to the site of ELLE Magazine. Elle's featured fashions always has tons of color. I have been reading every issue for the past five years. I also read ELLE Decor, which is equally stunning. I referred to a lot of designs in ELLE Decor when creating the space for my senior project.

Design by Anne Coyle
I came across this Chicago-based interior designer, Anne Coyle. The pieces are very traditional in space and form, but her doses of color are very "pop." I don't have my own place yet, but I do dream of bright colors and vintage pieces and natural light and tons of books and flowers. I dream of a huge garden one day, but I don't know how realistic that is since I hate spiders. My mom is an interior designer. She creates these absolutely ridiculous, amazing, and glamorous spaces for high end homes. I grew up with an apprecitation and I am very particular about my surroundings. It might annoy people at times, but it's worth it.Feb 11, 2009
Pinky: My First Amigurumi (& ELECTRICWIG)

This project was a test run. If I work hard, I can make one amigurumi figure in two days - which means I can make about three in one work week. The weekend will need to be open for buying supplies and working on my other products.
Do you like Pinky? (...even though she's not yet finished?)

Feb 10, 2009
Dynamo-ville, where are you? I like you.

It's actually pretty funny. In an article by the Baltimore city paper, they said they were inspired/intrigued/disturbed by the freaky, yet magical, characters on television during childhood. Fraggle Rock? Yeah. Their characters are dark and playful. A vision I can understand.
Unfortunately, they do not have a site or I just can't find one.
Almost done with my first Amigurumi figure. I will post it tomorrow. It's all I can think about. When I'm bored or stressed, I imagine each stitch building upon one another - a lot of structural planning. Very complicated. Very cool.
Feb 9, 2009
Me Love Amigurumi

One absolutely amazing thing about crochet is that you can mold figures one stitch at a time. This is harder with knitting because you are always working in whole rows and one mistake can ruin the uniformity of the design if you don’t properly “un-do.”
Plus, crochet is quickly rewarding - especially if using big needles. I need to feel rewarded when working. I am not patient. I know this. Impatience can be a crippling or productive trait – depending on the situation and emotions I decide to project that day. I believe emotional roller coasters can be a blessing in disguise because all emotion can be turned into intense positive energy with effort(I understand exceptions… like the day I need an exorcist.)

Feb 6, 2009
Coraline: My Future

The craftsmanship is so intensely loaded with talent and precision. The cherry blossoms on the trees are made out of popcorn. The movement is realistic yet unbelievable. In 3D… I’ll be like a blind person seeing for the first time.
Coraline is written by Neil Gaiman who worked with director Henry Selick (Nightmare Before Christmas, James and the Giant Peach, etc.) who has worked with Tim Burton who has worked with Drew Lightfoot who has worked with Guster who's CD is in my car.

Portland, Oregon – an idea of the future I hold close to my heart.
Just to press the point, this is another rebellion against technology(in some ways.) Everything is handmade. Yes, the software and cameras to compile and sync all of the images - technologically advanced. BUT, the objects on the set are all born out of the crafts or “DIY” (Do It Yourself) movement. Disney is currently working on a stop-motion animation film called “The Princess and the Frog.” I’m sure it will be mindblowing, but I am looking forward to the twisted darkness from the creators of Coraline.
Go see it. NOW. I am seeing it tonight. I will definitely let you know my thoughts.
Feb 5, 2009
Chihuly is Cooly
Need to Quit Birdwatching

Oh, yeah, that image up above. I really need to solidify my ideas and prioritize. Like I've said, I have many ideas. Too many. I have made a lot of progress in the past month. I have taken some classes and gathered materials. My mock-ups are evolving at the appropriate pace. I have made sure to finish a product even if I don't like it in case my subconscience has a good idea.
But, I think I need to put things like birdwatching aside for right now. Ya... There was a book on sale at Borders and I love birds. Then I spent some time in my yard looking for birds…. Too much time. With a full time job, I don’t think I have the capacity to do activities that should be reserved for retirement.
There’s that Canon Rebel I want so badly. If Santa still brought me presents, I would ask him for one. Apparently, he found out that I graduated college and got a job.
The bag, I did make. I crocheted an awesome beach tote for my friend. Will post pics if she likes it because then I will be proud. Emily, if you are reading this, I think I just gave it away.
Feb 4, 2009
I have no life... Or do I?
I spilled a full coke on someone's lap tonight. That was embarassing, but typical at the same time. I have two left hands that can somehow create art. Lord only knows how.
Boggles My Freakin' Mind

Feb 3, 2009
Sandra Backlund: Genius, Me: Inspired
Before I left my class last night, I picked up a magazine called “VOGUEKnitting.” I expected to see some Christmas sweaters, granny squares, etc. Quite the opposite. I randomly opened the page to one of the most genius fashion designers I have ever seen.
Her name is Sandra Backlund - from Sweden. Here’s some of her work.

-Sandra Backlund

Feb 2, 2009
Crocheting: Hangin' with the Ladies
Sleek Approach
It has been a very therapeutic process to start a small creative business. It has been really nice to have something to go home that is all mine. From the products I create with my hands to the business cards to the packaging to the logo will all be mine. It’s my baby. It might turn into nothing - but it will be my something. I got this book, the Logo Design Workbook... Get's me thinking. My ideas are simple, but it is s true challenge to assign a single symbol or image to yourself.
Anyway, I came across Anthon Beeke. He’s pretty cool. I especially like his work for DESIGNHUIS. It has all the clean elements of German/Dutch design, but also has a quirky hand drawn French feel at the same time - the sleek design and cardboard cutouts.

Did you watch The Office last night? Here.