Feb 10, 2009

Dynamo-ville, where are you? I like you.

I came across this artist couple in my book, By Hand. At first glance, it seems like these artists spend all day making up imaginary characters for fun... well, they... do.
It's actually pretty funny. In an article by the Baltimore city paper, they said they were inspired/intrigued/disturbed by the freaky, yet magical, characters on television during childhood. Fraggle Rock? Yeah. Their characters are dark and playful. A vision I can understand.
Unfortunately, they do not have a site or I just can't find one.

Almost done with my first Amigurumi figure. I will post it tomorrow. It's all I can think about. When I'm bored or stressed, I imagine each stitch building upon one another - a lot of structural planning. Very complicated. Very cool.

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